As we have celebrated the Holy Trinity Sunday, I recalled this question that was posed to me one day while working on implementing our Catholic value standards. The standard reads "Live a life of loving kindness in family and community which reflects the communion of love in the mystery of the Trinity". The person asked the question how is the family connected to the mystery of the Holy Trinity. At the time I gave a very simple reply about the connection of the three persons and the love they have for one another that should be reflected in the family the same way. I was reflecting on this same issue again as I listened to the homily at Mass. It is indeed difficult for children and adults alike to wrap their heads around the concept of God being three in one. Once again we try so hard to bring God down to our level of comprehension and think we can figure Him out. But the fact is, His love is so perfect and so great He became like us to show us what true love is as the Son. Then once again loved us so great and so perfectly that He sent another perfect person, the Holy Spirit to be with us and guide us until He comes again. Well that is the love a family should be for one another. Pope John Paul II explained it beautifully in Mulieris Dignatatem and A Theology of the Body. When a man takes a wife she is the other "I" of him. They are one body now, a communion of persons. This is why the family is called the "domestic church" or ecclesia domestica. The love they share for one another, as a married couple, spills over in the creation of another person. This is the love that God has for us. He had so much love it spilled over into creation. Out of nothing He created all creatures, and then out of man He created woman, another "I" of the man. This is reflected most beautifully in the dignity of the human person, the only creature God willed for their own sake. Is that wisdom or what? The man and woman build up the Kingdom of God by building one another up in the eyes of God for the kingdom. It should be a perfect love, the love of the Trinity. And that love is shared and spills over into the community. Is this the love you share with your spouse and children? By the grace of God it is.
Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”
13 hours ago
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